Dr. Bitter's Brief Vita Professional
Preparation - 1962 B.S. Kansas State University
(Mathematics Education)
- 1965 M.A. Emporia State University
- 1970 Ph.D. University of Denver (Mathematics
and Computer Education)
Appointments - 1988 to Present Executive Director, Technology Based Learning & Research,
Arizona State University
- 1970 to Present Professor, Ed Technology
and Math Ed., Arizona State University
- 1990-1991 Past President,
International Society for Technology in Education
Honors - Lifetime achievement award: International Society for Technology in Education
- Lifetime achievement award: National Council of Teachers
of Mathematics (NCTM)
- Outstanding alumnus awards from Kansas
State University, Emporia State University
Publications - Bitter, G.G. (2010). 12
TeacherPower Math Apps—Math Ready Grade K-1, Math Ready Grade K-2, Math Ready Grade K-3, Math Ready Grade 1-1,
Math Ready Grade 1-2, Math Ready Grade 1-3, Math Ready Grade 2-1, Math Ready Grade 2-2, Math Ready Grade 2-3, Math Ready Grade
3-1, Math Ready Grade 3-2 & Math Ready Grade 3-3. Apple APPs.
- Bitter, G.G., & Legacy, J. (2008). Using Technology in the Classroom. (7thEd.J). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
- Hatfield, M., Edwards, N., Bitter, G. & J. Morrow (2008). Mathematics
Methods for Elementary and Middle School Teachers. (7th Ed.) New York: John Wiley & Sons.
- Bitter, G.G. (2008). Using Technology in the Classroom DVD. (Computer Software).
- Bitter, G.G. (2007). Mathematics Methods for Elementary and Middle School. (Software).
- Bitter, G..G. (2004) Mathedology TM. (Computer Software series of 52 CDs and
on-line Professional Development mathematics teaching episodes). Tempe: Arizona State University. Technology Based Learning
& Research.
- Bitter, G.G., & Pryor, B.W. (2001).
Web Based Professional Development. Mathedology TM. Focus, 22 (3 & 4).
- Thomas, L. & Bitter, G.G. (Co-PI). (2000). National Educational Technology Standards: Connecting Curriculum
and Technology (375 pages). Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).
- Thomas, L. & Bitter, G.G. (Eds.). (2002). National Educational Technology
Standards for Teachers. Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).
- Bitter, G.G. (1997). Understanding Teaching: Implementing the NCTM Professional Standards
for Teaching Mathematics. (Computer Software).
- Kinard, B.
& Bitter, G.G. (1997). Multicultural Mathematics & Technology. Computers in the schools, 13, ( ½),
Synergistic Research Grants and
Activities - Developed 20 online streaming
video based courses (3-semesters credit per course) on integrating technology into the teaching of Mathematics, Science, Language
Arts, Social Studies and Multidisciplinary
- Creation of Using
Technology in the Classroom (DVD), Allyn Bacon, 2008
- Interactive
Multimedia: Math-ed-ology™, A series of 42 CDs or web-based professional development programs, 2004.