Distinguished Mathematics Alumnus Award
| Kansas State University | 2016. |
NCTM Lifetime Achievement Award | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics | 2006 |
Faculty Achievement Award | Arizona
State University | 2001
Paul Pair Lifetime Technology Achievement Award
| International Society for
Technology in Education | 2000
Outstanding Service Award | Arizona State University – College of Education
| 2000 |
Distinguished Alumnus Award | Kansas State University |
1994 |
Achievement Award | International Society
of Technology in Education ISTE | 1990
Affirmative Action Administrator of the Year
| Arizona State University – Educational Media
and Computers | 1990
Outstanding Technology Educator of the Year
| International Society for Technology in Education
| 1989 |
Masters of Innovation | Zenith Data Systems |
1989 |
Alumnus | Emporia State University
| 1987 |
Outstanding Faculty Member | Arizona State University College of Education | 1985 |
International Educator | UNICEF | 1984
Outstanding Children's Book |
National Science Teachers Association
| 1975, 1979, 1981, 1993 |
National Migrant Educator | Migrant Education News | 1976 |
Fellowship | National
Science Foundation | 1970
Fellowship | National Science Foundation (Summer) | 1968 |
Fellowship | National
Science Foundation (Summer) | 1967
Fellowship | National Science Foundation | 1965-1966 |
Fellowship | National
Science Foundation (Summer) | 1963-1965
American Men and Women of Science |
| 1970-1979 |
Community Leaders and Noteworthy Americans |
| 1975
Dictionary of International Biography
| | 1975 |
Leaders in Education |
| 1971 |